Monday, January 19, 2009

Pineapple Tarts

This year, all of a sudden feel like making some pineapple tarts. I had stopped making the tarts for quite sometime, reason: very lazy. Also becos very scared of cooking the pineapple, a lots of work.

Last week, at the cold storage, saw this ready made pineapple jam, cost S$4.30 per pack. In my heart, I said ok, since now I can find the ready made pineapple jam, I shall do some tarts this year.

These tarts are a must for the Chinese New Year. The jam is of pineapple and it is quite tedious to cook, so it is once a year affair for these tarts.

I had checked a few recipes from the internet, and asked some people. So, decided to try this recipe as follow:

Make about 70 tarts

One packet of the Pineapple Jam (from cold storage)


500 gm Plain Flour

320 gm Butter
3 eggs White
1 egg Yolk, the rest used for glazing

1/4 tsb Salt
2 tbp Corn Flour

Some Cold Water

Stir the plain flour and the corn flour, together with the salt.

Then, add in the butter which already cut into some cube form.

Use only the fingers to mix both, not the whole hands.

After that, add in the egg white and one yolk. Mix it with some cold water, until it form a dough.

Chill it in the refrigerator for at least 30 mins. I put it overnight.

This year, I tried to make a round ball pineapple tarts.

Nicole wanted to help me. So, I let her tried the glazing.

Look at her, so serious! hahaaa......

Preheat the oven at 220 degree C, bake the tarts for 25 mins.

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